
Number 7: Letters from friends.

I love writing letters, but it is even better to receive them! I have always liked to write letters. Thank yous are  fun to write and I have been writing them for ages. I am not sure why I like to write...maybe it has something to do with my love for paper and stationary, but who can say?

I have a few close friends that I like to write to. Some of them are awesome at writing back super fast, others take their time. Either way, I love to get the letters they write.

Letters are more important than text messages and e-mails. Letters take more thought, more planning, more consideration. Letters offer the reader a bit of the real feelings of the reader. Letters offer more honesty. Actually writing the words offers the writer the opportunity to take time out of the busyness of life and to put down in words what the writers thoughts are at that point in time. Letters are lovely.

Some letters I got this summer were full of good news which buoyed up my spirits. Others where written with heavy hearts - these challenged me to help as best I could. Some of the letters were encouraging and some were just newsy. No matter what the letter said on the page they all told me that letter writing is not a lost art.

Oh! And I cannot forget about the letters from Jake! I was really bad at writing regularly to Jake while he was at bootcamp, but he wrote faithfully to his family with whom I was staying. Jake's letters where awesome! They were full of all kinds of news. Like what physical challenges he had completed and was looking forward to doing. He wrote about his friends he was making and the things they had in common. He wrote about his walk with Christ and his desire to be baptized once he got home. His letters encouraged those it was written to and was read with tears in the eyes of the reader more than once.

Letters are lovely.

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