
Would you like to partner with me in my blog?! Would you like me to feature you in a post, host a giveaway, review your product, or something else? I can do that! Below you will find some helpful information:

Featured Post: 

For a featured post I will ask you some questions about yourself and your product. This information will be accompanied by some pictures of the product and links. The cost of a feature on this blog is $20.

Product Review: 

Want to send me a free product for me to review?! I would love to try your great products out. Once I have had the product for a little while I would be glad to post a review of it here on my blog with pictures and links

Cost: One awesome free product provided by you that I get to keep forever!

One Month of Ads: 

Would you like me to run an ad on my blog for one month? I can do that! Just send me a link to the button you want and I will put it on my blog for one month!

Size of Ad


Would you like me to hold a giveaway featuring one of your products? I would love to and my readers would love to win your awesome prize! Please make sure that the value of the product is at least $10.

Cost: $10+ item you send to the winner for them to keep forever free of charge!!

Other Options:

Would you like to do something else? Let me know what you are thinking about and I will get back to you! Also, if you would like to do a trade of some sort...like I'll feature you if you feature me, ad for ad, giveaway for giveaway, review for review, just let me know and we will see if we can work something out!!