You will probably think I am coming late to the party, but I just discovered Downton Abbey this summer! Crazy, I know. I guess I have been living under a rock because there were two entire seasons for me to watch!
I love period drams like that and like Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Persuasion, Sense and Sensibility, Anne of Green Gables, etc...They are wonderful.So it is no wonder why I enjoyed Downton Abbey. I think that Katie was the one that really encouraged me to watch it. And Amazon Prime had it for free with instant video. So that was nice! I would watch at least one episode before I went to sleep at night.
But by the time I was ready to watch season 2, Amazon did not have it for free (they do now). Katie, the wonderful cousin of mine! Works at the local library and she came home with season 2 for me the very weekend I needed it! We watched the entire season in one weekend! It was great!
Now I cannot wait for the third season to come out! But it does not come out until January! Ugh! I guess I will have to console myself by watching Supernatural with Katie instead. Oh well, I enjoy that one too.
Number four: Watching others grow
This one might seem funny, but it is true. One of the best parts of the summer was watching other people grow in many different ways. One friend became pregnant over the summer and it seemed like she grew on a daily basis. Other people grew in other ways. Some grew in faith. Others in physical strength. Some grew in knowledge. Some in kindness. Some people grew in leadership.
No matter how they grew, watching was fun and meaningful. Watching others make realizations or learning new things is always wonderful. Change is good and when we see it in others - we look back at our own lives and look for ways that we can grow too.
That is one of the coolest things to see. Person A is experiencing change and is growing in so many ways is being watched by Person B. Person B admires Person A and strives to grow too. This is what I enjoy watching!
No matter how they grew, watching was fun and meaningful. Watching others make realizations or learning new things is always wonderful. Change is good and when we see it in others - we look back at our own lives and look for ways that we can grow too.
That is one of the coolest things to see. Person A is experiencing change and is growing in so many ways is being watched by Person B. Person B admires Person A and strives to grow too. This is what I enjoy watching!
Number three - Church and My Relationship with Jesus!
Oh rejoice! Rejoice rejoice rejoice! My heart cannot hold it all in. Life is wonderful and good and sweet!
So at the beginning of the summer, I was going to church with my aunt and her family. Not that it was horrible or anything, but it just was not for me. Worship was hard and the message was hard to relate to. Plus the service started at 8:30 in the morning!
One Sunday Katie and I decided to go to a later service and after that we were kinda laughing about church hopping. Then Katie suggested that we go to her old church in Lansing.
We made our plans and told her parents. The next Sunday we found ourselves at South! I have not been in a church that is so alive, so in love with Christ since Spring Arbor! It was amazing! Worship was wonderful and the messages spoke to my very soul! The best thing was that it really filled my spirit and helped me get through the stresses of the week.
Katie and I would be practically sobbing while we sang praises to Jesus. It was wonderful!
Meanwhile, furring the week, I was stressed beyond belief. The shop owner was out sick and I was doing my best to keep the shop together. My classes were challenging (I should probably say I was having issues with MY instructor, but I don't want to name names). I was having more trouble than I thought I should have been having writing my thesis. I missed home. I was not getting as much jewelry made as I had planned. I did not have a job for after my internship. I just felt like I was failing at life!
Crazy thought for a 24 year old right? But let me tell you, we feel them just the same. Like I told Katie, life is harder than they tell you.
So there I was, loving church, but not really growing closer to Jesus. That is when the pastor did a sermon on hesitant Christians. And I was like yeah! That is me!
That week, almost every night. I cried while I talked to Jesus. I needed to know why I was not trusting him with everything...I discovered that I was afraid of what he would do with if his perfect will would be bad for me! Crazy, I know.
So that is when I decided that even if he wants me to go to some crazy bug infested, wild place with no flush toilets, that I would go. Do you know why? Well it is because I know that he will take care of me wherever he sends me. I finally trusted him with everything. I gave it all to him, I cannot and I do not want to be in charge of all the things in my life. There is too much for one person to deal with!
Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we think that we can do better with our lives than Jesus can? Why do we worry when he is right next to us asking if he can help?
I don't really know why we do these things, but I do know that he will take anything we give him and he will do a better job than we can by ourselves.
Thank you Lord Jesus!! Master of all!! Praise your name forever!!! Amen!
So at the beginning of the summer, I was going to church with my aunt and her family. Not that it was horrible or anything, but it just was not for me. Worship was hard and the message was hard to relate to. Plus the service started at 8:30 in the morning!
One Sunday Katie and I decided to go to a later service and after that we were kinda laughing about church hopping. Then Katie suggested that we go to her old church in Lansing.
We made our plans and told her parents. The next Sunday we found ourselves at South! I have not been in a church that is so alive, so in love with Christ since Spring Arbor! It was amazing! Worship was wonderful and the messages spoke to my very soul! The best thing was that it really filled my spirit and helped me get through the stresses of the week.
Katie and I would be practically sobbing while we sang praises to Jesus. It was wonderful!
Meanwhile, furring the week, I was stressed beyond belief. The shop owner was out sick and I was doing my best to keep the shop together. My classes were challenging (I should probably say I was having issues with MY instructor, but I don't want to name names). I was having more trouble than I thought I should have been having writing my thesis. I missed home. I was not getting as much jewelry made as I had planned. I did not have a job for after my internship. I just felt like I was failing at life!
Crazy thought for a 24 year old right? But let me tell you, we feel them just the same. Like I told Katie, life is harder than they tell you.
So there I was, loving church, but not really growing closer to Jesus. That is when the pastor did a sermon on hesitant Christians. And I was like yeah! That is me!
That week, almost every night. I cried while I talked to Jesus. I needed to know why I was not trusting him with everything...I discovered that I was afraid of what he would do with if his perfect will would be bad for me! Crazy, I know.
So that is when I decided that even if he wants me to go to some crazy bug infested, wild place with no flush toilets, that I would go. Do you know why? Well it is because I know that he will take care of me wherever he sends me. I finally trusted him with everything. I gave it all to him, I cannot and I do not want to be in charge of all the things in my life. There is too much for one person to deal with!
Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we think that we can do better with our lives than Jesus can? Why do we worry when he is right next to us asking if he can help?
I don't really know why we do these things, but I do know that he will take anything we give him and he will do a better job than we can by ourselves.
Thank you Lord Jesus!! Master of all!! Praise your name forever!!! Amen!
Number Two - Work with Amazing women in a Fantastic Quilt Shop
This is a big one guys! Over the summer I worked at the Hen House. The Hen House is a quilt shop that has been open for over 30 years. A family friend owns the shop and was selected to be in the Spring Issue of Quilt Sampler magazine! This is a huge honor and has brought in tons of new customers.
As an intern, I was at the shop almost everyday, I did get a few days off. I worked Monday through Saturday 10 to 5:30. It was great. I was able to be really helpful and useful which is great!
A couple of weeks after I got thee, just as I was getting the hang of things...the shop owner got really sick and was out of the shop for basically the whole summer. So guess what...I ended up being the manager while she was out sick.
Now why would an inter who had only been in the shop a couple weeks become the manager? Well, it has to do with the way the other girls are scheduled at the shop.
Ronda works Monday's and Friday's.
Debbie works Tuesdays.
Linda works Wednesdays.
Carolyn works Thursdays.
Do you see the problem? None of them are there two days in a row! I was the only one that was there all the time!
Needles to say, I learned tons. I learned practical knowledge about running a shop. I learned about sewing, quilting, pressing vs. ironing, and reverse sewing.
All the ladies were really wonderful to work with and have all become very dear to me.
As an intern, I was at the shop almost everyday, I did get a few days off. I worked Monday through Saturday 10 to 5:30. It was great. I was able to be really helpful and useful which is great!
A couple of weeks after I got thee, just as I was getting the hang of things...the shop owner got really sick and was out of the shop for basically the whole summer. So guess what...I ended up being the manager while she was out sick.
Now why would an inter who had only been in the shop a couple weeks become the manager? Well, it has to do with the way the other girls are scheduled at the shop.
Ronda works Monday's and Friday's.
Debbie works Tuesdays.
Linda works Wednesdays.
Carolyn works Thursdays.
Do you see the problem? None of them are there two days in a row! I was the only one that was there all the time!
Needles to say, I learned tons. I learned practical knowledge about running a shop. I learned about sewing, quilting, pressing vs. ironing, and reverse sewing.
All the ladies were really wonderful to work with and have all become very dear to me.
Number one -Staying with Family
So over the summer I stayed with my Mom's sister and her family. My Aunt Nancy, Uncle Dan, and cousins Katie and Jacob had a crazy summer. For one thing, they played host to me. But more importantly, Jake left for Marine Bootcamp in early June.
This was a major change for everyone. I think I have mentioned before that Jake is like a brother to me, well I cried like a baby when he left. We all had a pretty hard time with it, but we were able to work through it together.
Jake got back from Bootcamp as a Private First Class (PFC) just last week for a ten day leave. The whole family got together for a great party on Saturday!
Staying with my family was such a blessing. We all became closer to each other and it was so fun. Katie and I would pretty much take over the living room after the dinner dishes were done and we would watch Bones or Supernatural while I made jewelry and got ready for my show...of course, I only did this when I was not doing homework and working on my thesis.
This was a major change for everyone. I think I have mentioned before that Jake is like a brother to me, well I cried like a baby when he left. We all had a pretty hard time with it, but we were able to work through it together.
Jake got back from Bootcamp as a Private First Class (PFC) just last week for a ten day leave. The whole family got together for a great party on Saturday!
Staying with my family was such a blessing. We all became closer to each other and it was so fun. Katie and I would pretty much take over the living room after the dinner dishes were done and we would watch Bones or Supernatural while I made jewelry and got ready for my show...of course, I only did this when I was not doing homework and working on my thesis.
I'm back...and how!
Hello everyone! I know it has been ages and I have so much to tell you! All summer I was staying with family in Michigan while I worked at a quilt shop doing my internship and finishing up my MBA. The summer was long and crazy and wonderful!
So here is a list of my favorite summer memories:
1. Staying with family when they needs me most.
2. Working with amazing women in a fantastic quilt shop.
3. Church and my relationship with Jesus!
4. Watching others grow.
5. Discovering Downton Abbey.
6. My sister got a puppy!
7. Letters from friends.
8. The excitement of new product in the shop.
9. Finishing my MBA!
10. Getting a job!
11. Getting an iPad?!
12. Craft show failure.
I know! A ton of things, wonderful things happened in my life and I cannot wait to tell you about them all. I think for the next 12 days, I will write a post about each of the things on the list - one item per day!
So here is a list of my favorite summer memories:
1. Staying with family when they needs me most.
2. Working with amazing women in a fantastic quilt shop.
3. Church and my relationship with Jesus!
4. Watching others grow.
5. Discovering Downton Abbey.
6. My sister got a puppy!
7. Letters from friends.
8. The excitement of new product in the shop.
9. Finishing my MBA!
10. Getting a job!
11. Getting an iPad?!
12. Craft show failure.
I know! A ton of things, wonderful things happened in my life and I cannot wait to tell you about them all. I think for the next 12 days, I will write a post about each of the things on the list - one item per day!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Havertys Furniture for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
How do you make your house a home? I love putting little touches here and there, but furniture goes a long way toward making a place livable! Speaking of furniture have you ever been to a Havertys: Discover Something You
? We have one here in Indy in the Castelton area. Anyway! Havertys has a really cool program called Inspiration Sessions going on this fall. Once a month, through December they are having events where you can come in and learn how to create a new type of space in your home. And the events have cool names too! Like for September (the 15th) they are hosting "Now Showing." Can you guess what kind of even that is? It is about designing your entertainment space or your home theater. October 13th is Seasonal Scapes all about Holiday design. Then November 10th is Winter Colors which is about incorporating winter colors in to your interior designs. The last event is December 1st and is about putting the finishing touches on a room and finally completing it.
I love this idea! Don't you? You can change a room just by putting different accessories in it - you can totally change the feel of a place and make it into a comfortable happy space. Here are some of my favorite pieces from Havertys:

They also have great ideas about making your family room transformable so that you can have a home theater too!

If you are considering changing your living space, moving, or just want to change some things go to Havertys and see what they can do for you!
How do you make your house a home? I love putting little touches here and there, but furniture goes a long way toward making a place livable! Speaking of furniture have you ever been to a Havertys: Discover Something You
? We have one here in Indy in the Castelton area. Anyway! Havertys has a really cool program called Inspiration Sessions going on this fall. Once a month, through December they are having events where you can come in and learn how to create a new type of space in your home. And the events have cool names too! Like for September (the 15th) they are hosting "Now Showing." Can you guess what kind of even that is? It is about designing your entertainment space or your home theater. October 13th is Seasonal Scapes all about Holiday design. Then November 10th is Winter Colors which is about incorporating winter colors in to your interior designs. The last event is December 1st and is about putting the finishing touches on a room and finally completing it.
I love this idea! Don't you? You can change a room just by putting different accessories in it - you can totally change the feel of a place and make it into a comfortable happy space. Here are some of my favorite pieces from Havertys:
They also have great ideas about making your family room transformable so that you can have a home theater too!

If you are considering changing your living space, moving, or just want to change some things go to Havertys and see what they can do for you!
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